Students will be able to take a full two year Business Diploma in Management course at the Great Plains College Swift Current Campus starting this fall.
The diploma program, which specializes in business management, is a step up from the one year business certificate course the college currently offers.
“This type of program is absolutely essential for our community…to keep talent within the community,” explained Brian Gobbett, Vice President Academic at Great Plains College.
The program was added after a survey of local businesses and market research showed the benefits of offering a diploma opportunity to keep talented business minds in the community. Graduates are often drawn to larger communities after they obtain their education outside of Swift Current.
“It’s a really good opportunity both for business to have an eye on some of our students, as well as for our students to have an eye on where they might want to work.”
The program also shows the continued transformation at the College to deliver necessary training programs close to the Southwest.
“This, I think, really is going to distinguish us as a college because now we’re moving from a one-year college into something that’s going to be a second-year college and perhaps beyond that as well. It’s really a significant jump for us,” Gobbett said.
“What students can do with this is equally impressive. Now, instead of a terminal certificate, really they can go on and they can get a degree in business or in commerce as well. It’s a big jump for the students, a big jump for the college, and a big jump I think for the community as well.”
John Wentworth, one of the business instructors at the College, noted the two-year program will better prepare students for the workplace.
“It’s more in depth. So the first year is kind of an overview to all aspects of the business area. The business certificate bridges into all six of the two-year diplomas that Sask Poly offers. So it allows them to choose from any one of those. The nice thing is that we’ve got one here now, and I think that’ll be a good motivator to get people to stay here, do the Management. Which also bridges in nicely to the B.Comm programs around the province.”
Students who subsequently choose to further pursue their education, an agreement with Saskatchewan Polytechnic allows program graduates to receive a two year credit towards a Bachelor of Commerce for the University of Saskatchewan or the University of Regina.
The program is brokered through Saskatchewan Polytechnic, so students will receive the identical training and credentials that Saskatchewan Polytechnic provides.
Faye McKay, the Acting Dean School of Business at Saskatchewan Polytechnic, noted that the diploma program ultimately provides students with some important management skills.
“Our Management Diploma focuses on the skills that managers need. And it includes courses in conflict resolution, finance, project management, leadership, and digital media, among many others,” McKay said.
The Business Diploma in Management course will be offered in Swift Current starting in September 2017.