e Cypress Regional Health
Authority has approved a $1.57
million renovation project at
Leader’s Western Senior Cit-
izens Home, a construction
project which is separate from
the Integrated Health Facility
Leader’s long-term care facil-
ity will receive a building wide
facelift. Among the scheduled
work will be new flooring,
painting, re-
freshing the
with new
vanities, im-
proved light-
ing fixtures,
along with
kitchen fa-
cilities plus
replacing the
nursing sta-
tion with a
more modern
work station.
Ceiling lifts
will also be
added in each
Cypress Health Region officials are concerned a drop in flu shot numbers could lead to a larger impact on the population when flu season is in full swing.
With a growing number of lab confirmed influenza cases across Saskatchewan, Cypress Health Region Chief Executive Officer Beth Vachon is still urging people to get their flu shots.
In a report at the December 14 Cypress Regional Health Authority meeting, she pointed out their...
The coldest day of last week had the warmest feeling in Leader, with a sod turning ceremony on December 16 offcially launching the start of construction for the Leader Integrated Health Facility plus a renovation project at the Western Senior Citizen’s Home.
Friday’s ground breaking ceremony signals the much anticipated start of the long planned project which has overcome a series of hurdles to become a reality.
The Hand Bell Choir was one of the talented musical groups sharing their talents at the annual Melodies of Chrismtas hosted at First United Church on December 18.