Anchor Dental staff becomes Youth Certified through Safe Places

Swift Current Mayor Denis Perrault stands with the entire staff of Anchor Dental who have completed their Youth Certified training through the Safe Places Initiative.

The number of individuals who are Youth Certified through the Safe Places Initiative continues to grow.

This week marks the one year anniversary of the launch of the Safe Places Initiative in the City of Swift Current, and a total of over 800 people have completed the training.
Recently, all dozen staff at Anchor Dental Group celebrated having become Youth Certified.
“We just think it’s a really good program that the City is doing. We just wanted to get behind it, and hopefully other businesses will do the same,” explained Dr. David Stock from Anchor Dental.
The Safe Places program is intended to properly train and screen all community residents who come into contact with youth through any activities or programming.
In order to become Youth Certified, an individual must take the Respect in Sport (RiS) Activity Leader online training, complete a Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Check, along with filling out a Youth Certified Application Form for the City of Swift Current to process.
Dr. Stock said that there is a benefit to knowing that volunteers and professionals throughout the community have this certification.
“As a parent too I really appreciate that this is happening. It’s good for any organization, especially in businesses that deal with kids or vulnerable adults. It makes the community safer.”