A special celebration was held last Wednesday to recognize Finning Canada stepping forward as a gold sponsor for the Western Canada Summer Games.
Finning Canada was announced as a gold sponsor for the triathlon event at the Western Canada Summer Games which will be hosted in Swift Current and area on August 9 to 18.
“We were looking for something that we could directly tie into because we’ve got a lot of pride in the community here in the branch, and they wanted to be able to get out and help where they could,” explained Jim Barks, Regional Branch Manager Southern Saskatchewan for Finning Canada. “So hopefully we can get out along the triathlon tracks and support the event as well so we can have some branch involvement with our employees here. And that’s really what we’re looking forward to is getting caught up in the Games and being part of it all.”
Barks noted that the sponsorship ties into Finning Canada’s culture of supporting the communities where they work.
“Finning has a long standing reputation where they have branches to be part of the community and we invest in the communities we work in. We believe in working with our customers in the communities in developing a better community and a better place for everybody to live. So it’s important for us to participate in events like this for the kids of the community and for the unity and diversity of the community.”
Scott Cassidy, Chairperson of Friends of the Games, noted they were excited to be welcoming a national company on board to their list of partners with their $15,000 sponsorship.
“Just in our local area it feels like something like triathlon is gaining more speed. And then we are going to have these world-class youth athletes coming from Western Canada to our Games to participate in the triathlon. And the great thing for Finning is that they basically own that sport. So everything connected with triathlon, whether it be social media, signage at the triathlon site, Finning is a part of.”
Cassidy noted that their fundraising efforts have jumped in the past few months, and there is positive momentum as the Games draw closer.
“From a percentage base I think we’re about 70 to 75 per cent of the way there,” Cassidy admitted. “Things have really happened in I’d say the fourth quarter of 2018, and now the first quarter here of 2019 has really brought some more sponsorship on board. And I think by the next 141 days we will get to our target and be able to put on a successful Games.”
“I think things will come together more and more over the next less than five months. A lot of these companies are just going through their budgets…we are in communication with I would say over 100 companies right now about potential investment sponsorship opportunities. So hopefully we can get some dollars flowing in here and put on the best Games that Swift Current can.”