Southwest partners renew community violence threat assessment and support protocol

The Center for Trauma Informed Practices (CTIP) recently released their 11th Edition of a specialized Violence Threat Risk Assessment (VTRATM) Protocol. This current information supported the drafting of the fourth revision of our Community Violence Threat Assessment and Support Protocol: A Collaborative

Response to Assessing Violence Potential Southwest Saskatchewan Region.

The Chinook School Division, Holy Trinity Catholic School Division and Great Plains College, along with their Community Protocol Partners, have declared their continued commitment to embracing and enhancing a multi-disciplinary approach to respond to potential threats in our schools and communities.

The renewal of this protocol reflects current scientific research from experts, including medical and mental health professionals, law enforcement and specialists in the field of threat management.

The signatories include the following Community Protocol Partners:

● Saskatchewan Health Authority – Mental Health and Addiction Services


● Ministry of Social Services

● Ministry of Justice

This protocol fosters timely sharing of information, data collection, and collaboration about individuals of concern who pose a risk for violence towards themselves or others. The protocol promotes supportive and preventive plans being put in place with a trauma-informed and equity-inclusion guided practice.

“The Center for Trauma Informed Practices (CTIP) has developed a comprehensive multidisciplinary (multi-agency) Violence Risk Assessment (VTRA) community protocol where small towns and cities, and large urban areas have formal written agreements that bind leading agencies and service providers together for a common and consistent practice regarding assessment, prevention and intervention for violence risk in its many forms,” (Kevin Cameron, Center for Trauma Informed Practices) Violence prevention in our schools and neighbourhoods is a shared community responsibility. All community partners work together to promote and maintain safety and to strive to prevent violence.