SHA reminding Southwest residents to get tested for COVID-19 and vaccinated when eligible

Saskatchewan Health Authority
The Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) is reminding South West (SW) residents that COVID-19 is still prevalent and to book their vaccine appointments when their age categories open.

The patient booking system is available to all citizens age 62 and over, including those living in border communities and those without Saskatchewan health cards, like new immigrants to our province. The tool can be accessed directly at, or residents can call 1-833-SASKVAX (1-833-727-5829). Family and friends who aren’t yet eligible can also book on behalf of someone who is eligible, either online or by phone.

Public communication will occur each time age group eligibility changes.

“Immunization is only part of our defense against COVID-19,” says Dr. Jason Gatzke, a family physician in Swift Current. “Ensuring that we continue to follow public health guidelines, properly wear a mask and avoid non-essential travel are just as important.”

Did you know? It can take up to two weeks to build immunity from your vaccine. Even after being vaccinated, you must continue following all public health orders and guidelines. COVID-19 is everywhere in Saskatchewan. It is the responsibility of every person to strictly adhere to all public health orders and measures, including:

  • Keep two metres away from others when in public and wear a mask.
  • Limit gatherings and ensure gathering sizes do not exceed public health orders.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose, mouth or mask with unwashed hands.
  • Stay home if you are unwell; seek health care services when you help.
  • Regularly monitor your health for any COVID-19 symptoms and seek testing.

Get tested if you are not feeling well: Testing is part of the Saskatchewan Health Authority’s strategy to limit the spread of COVID-19. If you are not feeling well, have travelled out of province, or believe that you may have come into contact with someone who has tested positive or is symptomatic, be sure to get tested. You can get a referral to a community testing site by calling HealthLine 811, your family physician, or nurse practitioner.

“With the recent rise in Variants of Concern (VOC) in Saskatchewan, it is important that we do not let our guard down,” says Dr. Gatzke. “Getting tested will help ensure you protect yourself, and those around you as well.”
How to avoid getting sick:

  • Keep at least two metres away from others when in public and be certain to wear a mask when that’s not possible and in public indoor spaces.
  • Limit gatherings to the numbers specified in public health orders.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water; if soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

Recognize the symptoms: Stay home if you have symptoms and monitor yourself. Symptoms include: fever, cough, headache, muscle and/or joint aches and pains, sore throat, chills, runny nose, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, dizziness, fatigue, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite (difficulty feeding for children), loss of sense of taste or smell, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing.

COVID-19 is everywhere: Protect yourself and your family at all times during the pandemic by following all public health orders and recommendations and ensuring you do your part to stop the spread. COVID-19 is transmitted through coughing and sneezing (droplet transmission), and by touching surfaces with the virus on it and then touching your mouth, nose or eyes before washing your hands. Every day we are learning more about COVID-19 and other ways it may be transmitted.

Get tested: Learn more about testing and take the online self-assessment to determine if you need to get tested. Testing is universally available to anyone who requests it, regardless of whether they have symptoms or not. Please note that in accordance with the latest expert advice on COVID-19, testing for symptomatic people should take place immediately after the onset of symptoms. If the result is negative and symptoms persist, the test should be repeated 48 hours later. Residents may also contact their physician for a referral.

Care for yourself and others: Remember, anyone at any age can contract COVID-19, so be kind to each other and follow the recommended practices.
​COVID-19 Alert APP: The Health Canada COVID Alert app is available to all residents at no cost in the Apple and Google Play app store. The app is another tool available to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19 by letting people know of possible exposures without sharing any personal information. For more information, visit the COVID-19 Apps webpage.