The 29th annual Southwest Crisis Services Duck Derby is hoping to soar higher thanks to some attractive prize packages and new ticket sale methods.
While doing away with paper tickets, Duck Derby tickets are now on sale on-line (http://swcrisis.ca/duck-derby) plus via handheld terminals across the region. Supporters can now purchase a single ticket for $10 or three tickets for $20.
“You want to have a duck this year because we have some awesome prizes,” explained Southwest Crisis Services Community Relations Coordinator Laura Beddome.
A special ticket sales launch was hosted on May 4, with Swift Current Mayor Denis Perrault purchasing the first ticket via a handheld terminal. The ticket blitz will continue through to the Duck Derby on June 4 held in conjunction with Innovation Credit Union’s annual Picnic Inn The Park.
“It’s really quick and easy through our website,” Beddome explained. “In addition we are still selling tickets through our terminals.”
Terminals are located at all Innovation Credit Union Advice Centres throughout the Southwest during May, plus Kiwanis Club of Swift Current volunteers will be selling tickets at the Pioneer Co-op Marketplace on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Supporters are also invited to call Crisis Services at 306-778-3386 to learn more about additional purchase locations, as other sale locations will be organized over the coming weeks.
Organizers are hoping to sell out the entire 5,000 ducks that are available through the raffle.
“We decided that we want to ‘go big or go home’. So this year we are moving online, and we are selling tickets to have a lot more ducks in the water and continue to grow this fundraiser.”
The six grand prizes available will also increase ticket interest. Six prize packages, supported by offerings from regional businesses and organizations, are each valued at over $1,000. Two packages have a self-care theme, two boast date night offerings, while two are family fun packages.
Beddome showcased that the family pack has over 12 excursions and events for up to five individuals, along with family members. The date night package features more than a dozen dining and entertainment experiences for two, along with fashion, jewellery, flowers and a variety of other items. And thirdly, the self-care package will pamper the winner with a variety of treatments, therapies, coaching, and other items.
As their biggest fundraiser of the year, Beddome said they appreciate the generosity extended during this fundraiser and through donations and other supports.
“We rely on the generosity of businesses who want to have an impact through organizations like ours. So we have felt the impact of economic downturn and in these times. Everybody is effected, and that of course trickles down to us. But I have to say that you would hardly know it in this region. The businesses who contributed to our prize packages have been extremely generous,” she said.
In addition to Duck Derby ticket sales, Southwest Crisis Services is also holding a 50/50 raffle. An individual doesn’t need to purchase a Duck Derby ticket in order to enter this raffle. The 50/50 tickets are also available online and via the handheld terminals. The growing prize total will be shared via the Crisis Services website and on Facebook.
Profits from the raffle will be utilized to deliver programs and services to the children, youth, adults and families they work with.
“All of these individuals are taking steps to overcome the trauma they’ve experienced related to violence and abuse, and really seeking to transform their relationships.”
They operate a Safe Shelter for women and children which serves the entire Southwest. They also provide outreach support counselling services which work one-on-one, in a couples setting, plus with families and in groups.
“We want to help people take the steps that they’re ready to take in their life, and overcome trauma, change mindset, change behaviour, transform relationships. We are doing a lot of great work in this area, and we’d love to be able to grow that program at some point.”
They also continue to operate the confidential 24-hour Crisis Help Line, proving support over the phone on a 24 hour basis.
The Crisis Line meets the continued demand of people seeking out confidential, anonymous support, or simply offering someone to talk to in order to get information, referrals and connection to other resources in the community.
This year’s funding is more important than ever, as the demand for their services continues to grow.
“We have a constant demand for our services,” she admitted. “So as a relatively small organization we just know at any time that we are trying to grow to meet the demand. The demand is well beyond what we are able to provide. In our Safe Shelter we have definitely seen an increase in need, or at least in people able to access our service. So we’ve seen quite a jump in our numbers from the previous year.”