CurlSask announces return to curling guidelines

Over the past few months, CURLSASK’s Staff and Return to Play Committee have been working tirelessly to ensure Saskatchewan curlers and clubs can safely return to the ice. We are pleased to release these guidelines to support the safe return for curling clubs, volunteers, event organizers and individual curlers. The underlying principles of the guidelines are physical distancing, efficient contact tracing in the event of an outbreak, implementing safety measures, and enhanced cleaning protocols. In addition, CURLSASK will follow the gathering size guidelines as recommended by the Saskatchewan Health Authority for the duration of the 2020-2021 season. As a whole, CURLSASK took a common-sense approach to the development of our recommendations and Return to Curling Guidelines.

The health and safety of our members is our first priority. With a few modifications to the traditional rules, it is entirely possible for people to continue to play in a manner that is physically distant and low risk. CURLSASK has worked with Member Clubs to deliver a series of Town Hall Sessions to incorporate member feedback into the return to curling plan. Our Member Survey indicated approximately 90% of curlers are willing to return to curling this year which is a positive indication our members are willing to curl.

Overall, Curling is well positioned to return to the ice this fall. We are a non-contact sport with a solid plan to remain physically distant during game play. Curling also has the benefit of small teams. Additionally, each sheet of curling ice is roughly 2,000 sq. feet or 250 sq. feet per player and players do not come in frequent contact with curlers on other sheets.

“Our first priority is a safe season, this is non-negotiable but keeping in mind our desire for as close to a normal season as possible. Curling has always been an accessible sport that people of all ages and abilities can participate in.” says CURLSASK Executive Director, Ashley Howard. “While Covid-19 is a challenge for our sport, I am confident we can return to the sport we love in the 2020-2021 season and I thank each individual curler for their patience as we adapt to the new normal.”

Visit for the full return to curling guidlines.