Supporters had another reason to visit Everett Hindley’s campaign office this past week when the Saskatchewan Party candidate officially opened his by-election campaign office on February 10.
“It’s almost like our second opening. We had a lot of people here on Tuesday (February 6) when the Premier was in town.”
Hindley has been encouraged by the attendance at his early campaign events.
“It’s good to have a nice crowd here just to recognize the volunteers and the folks who are part of the team.”
“As you can see here today we’ve got a lot of people who are excited about the by-election and helping out the Saskatchewan Party.”
He noted that his campaign team has been instrumental in helping answer phones, take orders for lawn signs, selling party membership, and inform people about their voting options, including information about advanced polls and absentee ballots.
“It’s a bit more dependent on the campaigns locally during a by-election just because there isn’t the constant barrage of during a general election where it’s top of the news every day.”
He admitted as the by-election now nears the midway point, many issues on the doorstep are becoming more Swift Current specific.
“To a certain degree I would say that’s happening,” Hindley said.
“The announcement earlier this week by the Premier with regards to education funding has changed the topic of discussion a little bit. That was a question we were getting, I know myself as a candidate, and some of our volunteers were getting on the doorsteps.”
“Some of the folks that I’ve talked to that were concerned about that are appreciative that it’s a step in the right direction. It’s not a huge amount of funding obviously, but it has an impact. I think it shows that we’re listening, not just in Swift Current but around the province, to what folks have to say.”
He also weighed in on the Saskatchewan Party’s continued opposition of a Carbon Tax.
“I have yet to meet a person who is in favour of the Carbon Tax on the doorsteps that I’ve hit. As a matter of fact, on two or three doorsteps that I got to this week, folks were pretty blunt about what their assessment was of it.”
He noted that the SaskParty’s position hasn’t changed from what the former MLA and Premier, and what the new Premier is advocating for.
“We just find that would have a crippling impact on our economy here in Swift Current and around the province.”
“In this particular constituency I have not seen any sort of appetite for a Carbon Tax as what’s being talked about by the federal government.”