Supporters of the Saskatchewan Abilities Council/Easter Seals Saskatchewan are invited to stop at Boston Pizza today to help raise funds to send kids with disabilities to camp.
The fifth annual Boston Pizza Day for Camp Easter Seal runs today, with 20 per cent of pizza sales donated to Camp Easter Seal courtesy of Boston Pizza Saskatchewan franchisees. The July 12 promotion is occurring at all of Saskatchewan’s Boston Pizza restaurants.
For the past month, customers have been able to purchase an Easter Seals Camp Card for a $2 donation to raise additional support.
Camp Easter Seal is the only barrier free, fully wheelchair accessible summer camp in the province and is located at Little Manitou Lake near Watrous. Each summer over 700 campers attend Camp Easter Seal and participate in summer adventures such as horseback riding, water skiing, themed dances, arts/crafts, camp outs and create memories that will last a lifetime. It costs $1,500 for children and youth to attend camp for one week, so raising funds to allow campers to attend this fully subsidized camp is important.