Plewis seeking fifth term on Swift Current’s city council


Incumbent, four-term city councillor, Ryan Plewis, is announcing that he will seek re-election for a 5th term in the November 13 Civic Election.

Plewis, a local business owner and lawyer is not a new face to local politics after being originally elected in 2009 and re-elected in 2012, 2016 and 2020. In that time, he has worked with three Mayors and four City Managers as well as many diMerent faces at the Council table. 

Plewis stated, “In my time on Council, I have had the incredible privilege of

working with many different people with diverse ideas on how the City should be run. I am proud to count them all as friends and have appreciated the experience of building high functioning teams with each group that has been elected. I am not a particularly political person and relish the experience of improving the community in a practical way and with a thoughtful approach. I hope to have the opportunity to repeat that process as part of the new Council elected on November 13th”.

Plewis was born and raised in Swift Current and attended the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon where he earned two degrees in Law and Commerce, both with Distinction.

He and his wife, Jennifer, have three school-aged daughters.