A pair of Southwest cowboys finished tied for top spot in their respective events at the 33rd annual Herbert Stampede on August 2-4.
Swift Current’s Travis Munro needed only 4.0 seconds to tie for top spot at the Canadian Cowboys Association rodeo in Steer Wrestling for $1,166. Kyle’s Harrison Hantelman placed sixth in 5.4 seconds for $243.
Maple Creek’s James Perrin also tied for top spot in Junior Steer Riding with a 70-point ride for $321.
A trio of Southwest cowboys were in the pay window in Saddle Bronc in Herbert. Piapot’s Casey Bertram was second with a 74-point ride on Tuepelo for $777. Maple Creek’s Mike Gordon placed fourth with 71 points aboard Fantasy Land for $453. Maple Creek’s Adam Gilchrist followed in fifth with 70 points on Big Pete for $291.
Maple Creek’s William Perrin added a second place finish in Novice Saddle Bronc with 64 points for $262.

Mankota’s April Williamson was third in Ladies Barrel Racing in 15.45 seconds for $1,086. Maple Creek’s Logan Resch was fifth in 15.49 seconds for $702.
Val Marie’s Wyatt Hayes was fourth in Tie Down Roping in 9.2 seconds for $793. Swift Current’s Kevin Folk tied for eighth in 11.6 seconds for $56.
Kincaid’s Jud Colliness added a fourth-place finish in Bull Riding on Iron Soldier to collect $592.
Maple Creek’s Brady Bertram was fourth in Bareback after accumulating 76 points on First Class for $441.
Consul’s Braden and Rylan Brost were the only Southwest cowboys in the Team Roping money when they placed eighth in 5.9 seconds for $284.
The CCA is back in the Southwest this weekend with the 43rd Kyle Community Rodeo on Saturday and Sunday.