Ardens win Prince Albert tournament

The Swift Current Comp. Ardens soccer team won all three matches in Prince Albert over the weekend.

The Ardens opened the tournament with a 2-1 win over Prince Albert St. Mary on Friday. Grade 11 striker Navy Louma scored both goals with assists from Naimy Regier and Elizabeth Metke. Tinara Bowditch and Rory Williams shared the win in goal.

The Ardens followed up with a 5-0 victory over the host Carlton Crusaders as Bowditch and Williams shared the clean sheet in goal.

Louma led the Ardens with three goals and one assist. Rookies Rowan Robinson and Mckenna Striker also scored. Metke added two assists.

The Ardens clinched the tournament title with a 4-0 win over North Battleford Comp. Regier and Louma each contributed one goal and one assist. Metke and Robinson also scored. Williams and Bowditch shared the shutout for a second straight outing.

The Ardens will host a four-team tournament this weekend.