Innovation Federal Credit Union introduces $5 million Legacy & Development Grant Fund 

2023 Community Grant Recipients Innovation is also pleased to announce the current community grant program recipients for the year.


On July 4 Innovation Federal Credit Union was thrilled to become the first federal credit union headquartered in Saskatchewan effective June 23. The federal credit union, however, clearly indicated to its membership today that having national reach will not impact its local presence. Innovation is announcing a $5 million Legacy Community & Development Grant Fund reserved for Saskatchewan people with Saskatchewan projects. 

“Our current membership and community base are what made us who we are today,” says Innovation CEO, Daniel Johnson. “We’ve created this legacy fund to earmark dollars for Saskatchewan initiatives, to continue to reward and support our local members and their communities.” 

Member organizations can begin to apply online for grants by visiting 

“We’re also thrilled to double our sponsorship budget in 2023 as a thank-you to our current membership for their continued support,” says Johnson. “Saskatchewan is our home. It’s an honor to help it grow and thrive.”